The company desperately needs someone who can paint a picture of a bright long-term future, and mcmillon is well positioned to do that. 沃尔玛迫切需要有人描绘出光明的远景,而董明伦完全能做到这一点。
Analysts and the media paint a picture of merger bliss if American would just pair up with larger rival delta or smaller rival US Airways. 分析人士和媒体描绘了一幅美好的画卷,仿佛只要美国航空与规模更大的达美或稍小的美联航合并,利益就会滚滚而来。
These items and any number of other pieces of operational data serve to paint a picture of the health of a particular system or application. 这些数据项和任何其他的操作数据都是为了给出特定系统或应用程序的健康状况。
Numbers certainly help paint a picture, but speaking with alumni is even more valuable in understanding how the program played a part in helping students reach their goals. 数据当然可以描绘一副蓝图,而与校友的交谈却是一个更可贵的机会,去了解课程是如何帮助学生实现梦想的。
To make things even better, Haw started to paint a picture in his mind again. 为了使事情更顺利地进行,他又开始在头脑中描绘一种景象。
The King commissioned an artist to paint a picture of the Queen. 国王委托一位画家为皇后画像。
Their tasks were to draw portraits for the nobles, paint a picture, a portrait, a still life, etc 画院要以描绘帝王贵族肖像与生活为主要任务。画图画、肖像画、静物画等
These numbers, with weak trade figures released on Thursday, paint a picture of a continued deceleration in Chinese economic growth. 这些数据和上周四发布的疲弱贸易数据一起,展现出中国经济增长继续减速的局面。
The artist be commission to paint a picture for the hall 这位艺术家受委托为这个大厅作一幅画
It's a worthy aspiration to paint a picture of the world that is simple enough and concrete enough to be sketched on a cocktail napkin. 就是能把这个改变世界的点子变成一幅充满热情的图画,并简单,具体地在一张鸡尾酒餐巾纸上描绘出来。
The great painter was asked, one day to paint a picture of Pharaoh crossing the Red Sea. 一天,有人请这位伟大的画家画一幅法老王渡红海图。
Commission an artist to paint a picture. 委托画家画一幅画。
What if you decided to paint a picture or snap a photograph every single day for the next month? 要是你从下个月开始,每天画一幅画,或者按动快门拍下一些精彩的瞬间,又怎么样?
Any fool can paint a picture, but it takes a wise man to be able to sell it. 绘画并不难,任何一个傻瓜都会;但是,他的画却要靠一个聪明人推向市场。(应该是在阐述生产和销售的关系)
Paint a picture, a portrait, a still life, etc 谁在画画?谁在画画?画图画、肖像画、静物画等
It does not paint a picture of a denomination that you belong to. 它并不是描绘一幅你所属的宗派的画面。
Let's paint a picture using convolution. 让我们用卷积法来画一幅图。
He had received a commission to paint a picture for the Canadian ambassador. 他受托为加拿大大使画一幅画。
Shortcomings and mistakes should be seriously criticized, but we must never paint a picture that is all black. 缺点、错误要进行严肃的批评,但决不能说得一团漆黑。
It is not at all hard to paint a picture of the future that has the US and China fighting it out for the title of superpower-in-chief. 要描绘中美两国为争夺超级强国之首的头衔而大打出手的未来一点也不难。
If you could paint a picture of you in your happiest place, where are you? 如果让你构思一幅你的幸福之地的图片你会在哪里?
You can't paint a picture without an inspiration. 没有灵感你就不能作画。
The scaremongers paint a picture of a future Ge in which all production has moved outside the US, leaving just a plaque in its Connecticut headquarters. 散布恐慌的人描绘了通用电气未来的图景:全部生产都移出了美国,只有一个奖章留在公司在康涅狄格州的总部。
They paint a picture that any germ, any bug, any weed is a problem. 他们勾画了这样一副图画:任何微生物,虫子,野草都是问题。
Taken together, the data paint a picture of how quasars form. 将数据综合起来就能够解释类星体形成的全过程。
I still need time to read a book, write poem paint a picture, look at scenes and faces dear to me. 我还需要时间读书、写诗、作画、观赏景色以及我所爱的脸庞。
Keep it and one day you will paint a picture that is as pure as the colors in the evening sky. 会有一天,你将会在上面画出一幅画,色彩亮丽的就像傍晚的天空。
But his most special is that he can paint a picture, and the paintings are particularly good. 但他最特别的是他会画画,而且画的特别好。
Then you can paint a picture on the wall in the playground. 那样你就可以在操场上的墙上画一幅画了。
You might have thought this would paint a picture of pain, if not panic. 你也许会以为,调查结果会是怨声载道,就算还达不到恐慌的地步。